Ear Treatments in Leeds
The Leeds Clinic provide ear treatments for ear wax removal. Ear wax removal by micro-suction is an affordable and gentle process. Your appointment will be with a clinician who has received specialist training in ear wax removal.
For further information contact us on reception@leeds-clinic.co.uk
Ear Wax Removal
One or Both Ears
Ear Wax Removal
Both Ears
If the clinician cannot complete the procedure on the day due to hardened wax, risk of bleeding or pain and needs to bring you back as a follow up procedure, this is chargeable at £25.
Ear Treatment by Microsuction
Before the clinician performs an ear treatment , they will want to look inside your ear to ensure that your symptoms are the result of excess wax build-up or foreign materials and not something more serious.
If we find any further issues to be addressed this will be done in the consultation of your appointment for your ear treatment.
If wax build-up is the issue, your clinician will perform the procedure in the treatment room.
Microsuction ear wax removal is our preferred procedure removing excess earwax.
A fine suction tube combined with a suction machine is used to remove the wax. The procedure is safe, easy, comfortable and painless.
The ear canal is viewed with the aid of a microscope so we can see exactly what we are doing at all times. This is the best earwax removal process available as it is completely safe if undertaken by a trained professional.
You can book your appointment online for your preferred date and time available in the online appointment booking system. It is strongly advised to use olive oil for ear wax removal for a week prior to the appointment as this will make the treatment more comfortable and help remove the wax more easily.
Ear Wax Removal £60

Ear wax is a natural lubricant and antibacterial material produced by sebaceous glands within the ear canal.
At the Leeds Clinic our services are only performed by either highly experienced doctors (General Practitioners) or our Clinic Nurse who has many years of experience in the treatment being performed.
Some people are troubled by repeated build-up of earwax and require ear irrigation every so often. In this situation, to prevent earwax building up and forming a plug, some doctors recommend using ear drops regularly – for example, olive oil ear drops.
Common complaints include partial hearing loss, a sense of ear fullness, earache, dizziness, ringing in the ears (Tinnitus). Other problems that might occur include odour or discharge from your ear, cough, ear pain, or fever.
Microsuction, by contrast, is gentle, dry, precise and safe. Medical specialists around the world regard microsuction as the safest, most effective choice for cleaning ears (also known as ‘dewaxing’). Usually the procedure is very quick, easy and gives you instant relief.
The length of your treatment will depend on the degree of blockage, so please allow for up to 30 minutes in your schedule. Usually you can expect amazing results within half that time.

Ear Wax Removal £60
Skin Services
Ear Treatment by Microsuction
Please select your required ear treatment from the drop down below