Subcision For Acne Scars In Leeds

Subcision is a procedure which releases scars that have become stuck to the deeper tissues and bound down. When a scar forms, new collagen is produced. Scar collagen is not as supple or as neatly laid as normal collagen. This new collagen can stretch from the scar to the deeper tissues, like a web, and pull the scar down. This makes the scar look more indented and causes shadows, divots and pits. Breaking these connections helps to lift the scar back up.


Acne scarring can range from a mild annoyance to a very disfiguring condition that causes a psychological upset. Rest assured that the medical team at The Leeds Clinic in Leeds will do all they can to help you enjoy clear, healthy skin and all the confidence that comes with it.

The aim of subcision is to release the tethering that is present which is pulling the scarring inwards attaching to the subcutaneous tissue so that the scars volume may improve and become more even.




The treatment is effective for lifting tethered rolling scars, which may form after deep acne.

Rolling scars are often tied or anchored in the subcutaneous tissue with threads of scar tissue like branches of a tree. If these threads are not cut (subcised), one will never be able to achieve a satisfactory result with other treatment modalities like lasers, RF, micro-needling or peels.


We start by analyzing your skin to map the scars that are suitable for subcision.

The skin is cleaned, disinfected and numbed with local anesthesia using a thin needle. Anesthesia is uncomfortable, but subcision is usually a painless procedure.

Most tethered scars are released, whereas severely tethered scars may be released with a needle.

Cutting subcutaneous scar tissue immediately raises the bottom of the scars.

After subcision, the skin is compressed and cooled to reduce potential bruising.

Subcision scars


Results of subcision show gradually as a permanent and significant improvement of tethered scars.

It may be advised to repeat subcision, as each procedure induces even more collagen and skin remodeling. 

Some scars are not only depressed due to tethers, but also due to atrophy (loss of collagen, fat and volume). In these cases, subcision may be combined with a filler injected under each scar.

We use different brands of filler products including but not exclusive to Restylane, Juvéderm, and Teosyl.

Hyaluronic acid fillers (HA) are injected under each scar individually immediately after subcision. The filler works as a buffer to prevent reformation of scar bands. This technique is called “subcision filling” and may be repeated efter 3 months or longer.

The filler lifts the scar and long term results are good, even after the HA filler is slowly absorbed by your skin enzymes.


As part of an individual acne scar revision program, subcision can be combined with resurfacing laser treatments, microneedling,  chemical peels.

Different treatments may be performed at the same day. Our experts will treats each scar type with a specific treatment method and tailor your treatment to you. This will all be discussed with you with your initial consultation.


  • Lips - 0.5ml - 45 mins £160
  • Lips - 1ml - 60 Min £220
  • Cheeks - 1ml - 45 Min £250

    2ml - 60 Min - £500
    3ml - 60 Min - £620
    4ml - 70 Min - £800
    5ml - 90 Min - £1000

  • Kiss Lines - 45 Min £250
  • Temples - 45 Min £250
  • Chin - 45 Min £250

Book A Consultation With Our Nurse Emma

If you are considering an aesthetic procedure, it’s vitally important that you make sure this is right for you and your skin. And one of the best ways to find out is to book a  pre-treatment consultation you will meet our Aesthetic Nurse here at The Leeds Clinic. But what are the advantages of pre-treatment consultations for aesthetic procedures? Well, here at The Leeds Clinic, we offer consultations, because we know how important this step is in the treatment process. 

What are the advantages of pre-treatment consultations for aesthetic procedures?

During a pre-treatment consultation you will meet our Aesthetic Nurse here at The Leeds Clinic. This step in the treatment process can bring a range of advantages, including:

  • Finding out further details about the treatments available
  • Meeting the team and building trust
  • Making sure the treatment is right for you
  • Pre-treatment consultations provide more details and information

If you book in for a consultation with a treatment or package in mind, or even if you haven’t settled on a treatment yet, a pre-treatment consultation will give you all the information and details you need. This will include information on how the process works and what to expect, as well as aftercare tips.

This consultation is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have specifically, and have these answered by leading professionals.

The consultation is charged at £30 and is non refundable but does go towards the treatment you decide to go for.


15 Min Consultation

Consultation with our Aesthetic Nurse
Discuss concerns
Examination of skin
Payment put towards treatment

Book your Subcision Treatment with The Leeds Clinic Today

Subcision & Filling

Many patients are surprised how quick they recover after subcision and fillers.

Allow 2-3 days for the swelling to go away completely. Most swelling is due to the local anesthesia.

After subcision, some bruising may remain for up to a week.

This is quite easy. Subcision happens primarily under the skin surface. Most of the surface is left unharmed and intact.

Only little punctures in the skin will be visible as small crusts that peel in 3-5 days.

Simply wash your skin with a facial cleanser or mild soap in the morning and evening and apply a gentle moisturizer (eg. Cicaplast or Cicalfate).

Bruising may be covered with make-up the first day after subcision. Avoid smoking for the first few days (impairs healing).

Certainly not. These results are due to erroneous patient or product selection or overfilling. At The Leeds Clinic our experts take great care and attention in providing you with a natural result.

Filler can be dissolved, following injection into the treated area, the product acts within minutes to dissolve unwanted filler and restore the original facial contours.

The procedure can be uncomfortable so we would advise as per your consultation to take some form of pain medication at least one hour before the treatment but to avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin which can exacerbate any bruising. Paracetamol and co-codamol is usually a good option. We also strongly advise to use a numbing cream which can be bought over the counter at least one hour over the area treated. We would advise you to come to your appointment on the day of treatment with it on to save time and ensure your pain is reduced.

Subcision is not suitable for people who form wide, thick scars (keloids).

If you have a skin infection, you can not be treated.

If you are pregnant you also cannot have the treatment.

The medical expert will be going through this with you during your consultation

Contact Us

Send us your details and our team will be in touch to get you booked in
and answer any questions you may have about the treatment and a consultation.

    Book Your Consultation
