Woman's Health Clinic In Leeds
Some women who have the contraceptive coil wish to have it removed, reasons for this can vary. The Leeds Clinic offer a fast coil removal service where our friendly qualified Nurse Emma will do this for you.
Womans Health Clinic
20 Minutes Telephone Appointment
20 Minutes Video Call Appointment
30 Minutes Video Call Appointment
Womans Health Clinic
Private GP
Telephone Appointment
Private GP
Video Call Appointment
Private GP
45 Minutes Appointment
Private GP
45 Minutes Appointment

Nurse Emma is available for Coil/IUD Removal appointments
Private Coil Removal Service In Leeds
How is it removed?
The removal of a coil takes a few minutes. Similar to a smear test, a speculum is inserted into the vagina, and our trained clinician will look for the coil threads that are coming through the opening of the cervix. Our clinician will gently pull on the treads with forceps to remove it. In some cases the threads are not visible because they may have slipped into the cervical canal into the uterus. In this instance, you may require an ultrasound to locate the threads. A narrow instrument will be inserted into the cervix, and once the threads are located, the removal process will continue as above.
Very rarely the coil can get struck in the wall of the uterus or the coil strings may not be visible, which can make it more difficult remove and a hysteroscopy or an ultrasound-guided removal may be required (anesthesia may be required for hysteroscopy). Should a hysteroscopy or ultrasound-guided removal be required a referral and/or additional charges would apply.
We feel honoured to have Dr Samar Shefta in The Leeds Clinic because we strongly believe in a better education for women, men, families and workplaces about the effects of menopause and how we can support women through this life event.
Our Woman’s Health GP Dr Samar Shefta
With years of experience as a GP in Leeds, Dr Shefta, a GP with a specialist interest in Woman’s Health which include interests in menstrual disorders and menopause, dermatology and weight management.
A Few Words from Dr Shefta
Hi there, I’m very excited to join The Leeds Clinic and help as many women as possible. I find it incredibly rewarding to be involved in their journey, knowing that I’m making a positive impact, not just on their lives but their future too.
I have a houseful of kiddies and any free time I have is spent playing games; watching movies; kicking a football or pretending I can Karaoke.
Need menopause Help?
Get the personalised support you need from our GP Dr Samar Shefta, including an individual care plan. Every individual requires a personalised treatment plan and advice. The Leeds Clinic can provide the support in such a life changing moment in a woman’s life.
Menopause Support
For many women, the menopause can be challenging and stressful. And it can be hard to find menopause support. Booking into the menopause clinic with Dr Shefta can be very helpful and educational. The support you need and advice can be given to you to get you through this challenging time of your life.
Every menopause is different, and each one is very personal. Sadly, half of all women say menopause has a negative effect on their life.
At The Leeds Clinic, we want to open up the conversation about menopause. If more people talked about it then life might be a little easier for everyone. For men and for women, at home and at work.
What does menopause feel like?
Perimenopause and menopause bring with them over 30 different physical and psychological symptoms. These can range from annoying little niggles to things that can drag you down, and they can last from a few months to several years.
Symptoms are often misdiagnosed, too: one in five women were unnecessarily referred to more than three specialists before being correctly diagnosed with the menopause.
Finding the right menopause support can help to ease any menopause symptoms you’re experiencing. Speak to Our GP doctor here at The Leeds Clinic for the best support and diagnosis.
If you are on your period, you can still safely have a coil removal (as long as you are comfortable).
Yes. It is safe to have a coil removal if you are pregnant. Ideally, we would recommend having it removed as soon as you find out.
If the clinician is unable to locate the strings of the coil, they will need to refer you for an ultrasound guided coil removal.
A coil can be removed at any time for multiple reasons.They may include, but are not limited to:
- Your coil has expired
- You’re experiencing side effects
- You want to try another method of contraception
- You no longer need a method of contraception
- You want to get pregnant
We recommend abstaining from sexual contact 7 days prior to you coil removal if you are not looking to conceive. Otherwise there is no need for any additional precautions or abstinence.
Most patients do not need any time off work after the procedure. However, it is advised to rest immediately afterwards, avoid strenuous activity and avoid menstrual cups for up to 6 weeks after the procedure.