Repeat Prescription

This service is for repeat medication and we can only offer repeat prescriptions for patients of the practice who have previously been seen at our clinic.

How Do Our Repeat Prescriptions Work?

After receiving the prescription request, the doctor may request either a telephone consultation or face to face consultation subject to further review. Please note the price paid will be offset to the extra charge for the consultation.

The repeat prescription will be charged at £15. The pharmacy that fills your prescription may set their own additional charges for dispensing the medication.

You can choose to:

- Collect your prescriptions from the clinic.

- Some pharmacies may accept a prescription that we email to them directly (please check with the pharmacy first).

We may decline the repeat prescription request and offer a medication review before issuing a repeat script.

We’ll contact you when your prescription is ready for collection or been sent to the pharmacy but if you have not heard from us, please call 0113 240 1234

Please book your repeat Prescription below

Once payment for your repeat prescription has been successful you will be redirected to collect further information on your prescription and collection details. 

Choose the earliest you would like your prescription booked in our staff will try there best to respond to your chosen time and date for the repeat prescription.
